Repairing the Sliding Shower Door

Handling the broken shower door glass is always challenging as well as dangerous. The glass will cause potential injuries and has to be fixed quickly and efficiently. If the shower door cannot be fixed by the owners, hire a professional to fix the issue at the earliest.

While repairing the sliding shower door check the below points:

A track adjustment should be done when the sliding shower door is sticky, immobile or comes off the tracks. The important element to take care when repairing the sliding shower doors are –

  • The wheels or rollers
  • The track
  1. Ensure that the doo roller is on the track and working properly at the top. The roller mechanism at the top should be gripped firmly. Lift up the door and then guide the roller back on the roller track. Check the roller for few times to make sure it on the track. If this the roller is not freely moving, rollers need to be adjusted.
  2. Remove the doors. Using a screwdriver, remove the guide rail that runs along the edge of door. Or remove the plastic guide that is fixed in the lower track in the middle. Lift the door from the track and place them leaning on a wall.
  3. Check if the rollers are moving smoothly. Spay the rollers with silicon lubricant.
  4. Check the door for the working on the door by raising or lowering.
  5. Loosen the screw holding the roller and adjust it in the slanted slot using the screwdriver. Make the adjustment and put the door back in the track to check again if it is smoothly moving and secure the door.
  6. Place the door back on the track when adjustment is done.
  7. If the roller is badly worn out it is best to replace the rollers. Take the old roller to the hardware store to purchase the replacement. Unscrew the old roller from the door after taking it out from the track and replace the new roller and fix the door back on track.
  8. Wipe down the rollers and track as the dirt will build over the time and hinder the proper sliding of the movement of doors.
  9. Warning – make sure the door fits snugly in the lower and upper track.

By dragging the shower or bathtub door hardly would result in permanent damage on the door and track. His should not be ignored for too long and should be fixed at the earliest.

It is best advised to call a professional if you find it hard to do it by yourself. During the appointment for the repair of sliding door, the professional will be able to lift the door and adjust the roller carefully and perfectly back on the track after repairing it. The realignment of the roller will be done by the professionals or even remove the doors and be replaced it with a new one.

Glass of the shower door needs to be repaired:

  1. If the glass in the shower door is broken, it will have to repaired or replaced
  2. Clean up the broken pieces of glass from the floor
  3. Take the measurement of the existing shower door
  4. Order for a replacement of glass and install the glass back on the door
  5. Clean the area for any remaining debris

Tip to remember: It is best to call in a professional, if your shower doors have broken glass

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