Lawn Care Tips

To keep the lawn look gorgeous and green, we need to regularly attend it and take care of it the right way. Let us some simple ways to keep the lawn beautiful and lush green:

Spruce the edges: Ensure to keep a border for the lawn. Use half-moon edger to edge the border, which will define the line between flower beds and lawn and make the garden look tidier.

  • Drainage:

    Plunge the fork into the ground all over the patch to aerate if the lawn is wet and soggy. Ensure that you go as deep as possible which will help with drainage and encourage grass root growth to have healthy grass.

  • Cutting height:

    During colder months, let the lawn grow and before spring arrives, you can gradually start to cut the height every week until you reach the desired grass length. Cutting the grass too short at a time is called scalping which may result in a disease in the grass and weed infestation.

  • Topdressing:

    Brush the top dressing over the lawn surface in order to get rid of any lumps and bumps one time in spring and once in autumn. Topdressing can be made by mixing soil, sand and well-rotted compost. Let the mixture settle down into any holes and dips. This will help the grass to thicken and grow more roots. Topdressing mixture is also available in the market to buy.

  • Repairing patching bits:

    Patchy bits in between the lawn can be repaired buy sowing new grass seeds. Rake the earth until it’s crumbly and then saw seed as instructed in the packet. Water the area well and ensure not to walk on the patch for a few weeks.

  • Clear leaves and weeds:

    It is important to clear any fallen leaves on the lawn as soon as it falls on it, else it may rot and damage the lawn grass. Remove the weeds by hand or by using a traditional daisy grubber or with chemical treatment. Chemical requires the least effort, but we should make sure to follow the right instructions to avoid over-treating and unnecessary damage to the lawn. Removing the moss is essential and this will stop the moss smothering the grass.

  • Feeds:

    Lawn feeds are used for the grass to grow to give lush green colored healthy grass. But the side effect of using lawn feed is that it becomes dependent on it. So it is important that when you start using feeds, do not stop giving it. Start giving the feed in the spring and make it a weekly routine during the main growing season. Overfeeding will cause scorching. Avoid using week killers on the lawn if the animals are allowed on the lawn.

Following these instructions will help in having a beautiful lawn that will be admired by anyone. The lush green colored lawn is soothing to the eyes and gives us positive vibes to stay in the garden. When you are starting to grow the lawn grass, ensure to stay off the lawn until you can walk across the lawn without leaving any footprints or sinking the foot.

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