Inexpensive Fencing Ideas

by | Mar 22, 2020 | Fencing | 0 comments

Installing fence in our compound is for the privacy concerns. In a larger farmhouse for example, bad or no fencing will lead to problems like sheep escape and invading into neighbor farm, stray dog trespassing and taking out the chicken flock. Fence is important to establish good boundaries to the
animals and children and they add a character to the house. There are cheap fence options available to beautify the property and do its functions effectively.

Choosing the cheaper option does not mean that we should sacrifice on the quality of fencing. A secure, dependable, and beautiful fence can be constructed with the lowest amount. Whether installing are new fence or rebuilding old one, have a surveyor come to confirm the boundaries of the land. This will help in confirming where to build the fence and let us be prepared if case of any border disputes.

 Post and rail fencing
This is the rustic fence which is sturdy, wooden structure, and solidly placed in the earth. Materials needed are timber and some simple hand tools, hence the cost of this fence is extremely low, but the effort is high. Spend some quality time to make this fence.

 Stone fencing
If you are living in a land covered with rocks and boulders, it is the best option to make stone fence. It makes a permanent and cheap fencing. Sand stone or lime stones can be used to make the stone fence.

 Root Fencing
Root fencing is not an option for suburban neighborhood. But it makes a unique fencing idea from the homesteading past and has a lot of logged land which can be used for making fence. The stumps can be ripped from the ground and make beautiful looking fence.

 Recycled door fence
A great way of upcycling a old door is by using it as fence. It becomes a decorative element by using old closet doors, French doors or hallway doors which are sure to add beauty to the garden.

 Tire wall fencing
The used tires from landfills can also be used to make wall fence in the garden, which will add a character to the garden. Tires can be either painted or used as it is. Fill the tires with sand to make it stronger.

 Twig fence
For another rustic looking fence twigs can be also be used. If can be constructed using pruned or freshly fallen braches which is free especially after the good windstorm, or from the tree that has recently fallen.

 Bamboo fencing
Bamboo are perennial grass which are quick growing long grasses and can be grown to built a plant fence of no expense. It can be propagated from the bamboo runners.

 Pallet fencing
Pallet is option to make a cheap fence. A simple DIY project can be done using readily available pallets to create a quick and cheap fence. Different designs can be built using the blocks and decorated with the garden plants.