Caring the Tree in the House Garden

by | Mar 22, 2020 | Landscaping | 0 comments

Trees, once established, are considerably easy to maintain as it needs minimal care. Ensure to plant the trees in fertile soil for the roots to be protected by mulch. The only maintenance that is required for the tree is occasional pruning and fertilization, adequate watering and replacing the mulch at the base for it to survive. But there are some points to remember while taking care of the trees for them to perform better.

Woody trees need lesser frequency of watering than other ornamental plants, as the deep and wide spread roots will be able to absorb water efficiently. But, make sure to water in larger quantities when woody plants need watering.

Setting up a sprinkler or irrigation system at a relatively low pressure and slowly to soak the root zone to a greater depth is the best. It is advised not to do a superficial watering as it does more harm than the good to woody plants.

Trees such as conifers and broad leaf evergreens get damaged during cold winter winds, which turn brown by spring due to desiccation. Damage to deciduous plants occurs when they green up in spring. These damages can be prevented by making sure the plant is adequately watered. Keep watering when there is lack of rain, mid-winter thaw and autumn even though the plants appear dormant. This will help in keeping the flower and leaf buds moisture. Woody plants with marginal hardiness and those grown beyond the normal hardiness will require a special protection during winter:
 Surround the trees with snow fencing, burlap or a combination of snow fencing and burlap. This will help to filter winds and collect snow.
 Fill enclosures with straw or oak leaves around the stem.
 The sides of trees that is exposed to dominant winds can be covered with branches of conifers.
 Vines can be tied together, laid on the ground and covered with thick mulch of leaves.
Trees and shrubs which bloom in spring bring a beauty to the garden. However, the late frost might damage the buds which swell and open. Little damage occurs if the flower buds are dominant. Use the sprinkler to water the trees overnight, in such cases so that the plant will have enough water to be soaked from top to bottom. The trick here is that the moving water rarely freezes and when it does, it gives off heat. The flowers that are entirely cloaked in ice will suffer little damage where as those subject to same degree of frost alone will die.

Points to remember:

 Wrap the think barked tree trunks in winter to keep the bark from splitting. And remove the wrap in spring so that it does to get too tight on the trunk and provide hiding place for pests.
 Provide the young newly planted trees directly on the planting site.
 Once the tree is established, use soaker hose to water just outside the perimeter of the tree canopy.
 Mulch the tree properly.
 Water the evergreen trees during dry winter weather, especially when rainfall is limited.
 Prevent summer spider mite attacks on the evergreen by spraying plants with a hose everyday during hot and dry weather.