Holiday season is the time when we have the guests and visitors dropping in at home and quality time with our friends and family. It is the time of the year when we think of decorating the house at the best, especially the living room and the dining area.

Carpet also becomes one important décor item to be kept clean throughout the holiday season. But with the influx of traffic in the house, meals serving, kids and pets around, chances of carpet getting dirtier is higher. But a good planning and few easy preparations will help maintain the beauty and cleanliness of the carpet throughout the holiday season.
Let us check some easy prevention tips and cleaning tips to keep the carpet clean this holiday season:
 Ensure to vacuum the carpet daily during holiday season to remove the dust and dirt from surface.
 The first and most important step to get rid of soil and sand on the carpet is by requesting the visitor to remove the shoes at the door. This helps in preventing the gross and embarrassing dirt from outside to the carpet. Place a shoe rack for the guest to place the shoes at the entrance and request the guests politely to remove the shoes at the door. Additionally house slippers can be provided if the guest is uncomfortable walking around with barefoot or in their socks.
 Try to keep food and drinks away from Carpet area. Food and drink spills are difficult to clean. Oily food and bright colored drink pose threat to the carpet. So ensure that the meals are contained in a single room and prevent the guest from wandering with plates around the house.
 When spills happen, act faster. Do not allow the stain to sit on the carpet for longer time which results in discoloration of carpet. Use mild cleaner solution to clean the carpet immediately. Prepare the solution by mixing equal amount of baking soda, vinegar and water and store it handy.
 Candle drops can be cleaned easily by placing a wax paper on it and gently ironing on the wax paper to help it remove the wax easily.
 If the wine spills on the carpet, remove the stain by gently dabbing the affected area with dish cloth or paper towel and blot the carpet to  remove the wine as much as possible. Then pour the cold water on the stain to dilute it. Apply baking soda paste on the stained area and when the stains dry, vacuum the crust.
 To clean the chocolate on the carpet, use a knife to scrape chocolate off the carpet. Then apply a mixture of ¼ teaspoon of mild white detergent and one cup of water and then with a white cloth work the way from the outer edge of the stain to the middle, blotting and not rubbing.
 To remove the beer spills on the carpet, clean the area with white paper towel or cloth and begin blotting the spilled beer as much as possible. Use two cups of plain warm mater mixed with one table spoon of hand dishwasher liquid and one table spoon of white vinegar to blot the beer stain away.